TOTAL SRL - Tulcea (Romania)

SC TOTAL SRL was founded in 1992 and
had in it’s portfolio
a relatively large number of activities that could be
In time the activity of the company was directed to industrial
production. The company has a single owner that has an
experience of 20 years in that field. At the beginning the
activity of the
company has been modest but it become more
and more complex including the
production of central heating
systems, bio-fuels plants, different systems that
energy from unconventional sources, etc.
In order to be able to work in safe and very good conditions
we acquired new
production spaces, specialized machines and equipments that can assure a high
quality of our products. In 2005 we contracted the production of cables supports
and accessories for
the shipyard STX Europe (Tulcea and Braila). That is an
activity that we want to develop as volume
and structure. In 2007 our company
was certified in ISO 9001 (Quality Management
System -
according to SR EN
ISO 9001:2001 standard).
In 2008 we also started the production of the small boats (catamarans, fishing
boats, etc.)
1. marine ladder systems (OL and stainless steel)
2. OL and INOX brackets
3. profiles and perforated plat bands
4. metallic confections and mechanical processing by cutting
5. other electric components for ships
1. blasting operations
2. zinc treatment with plasma for electric components, steel beams,
profiles, spatial structures for industrial halls and boats
3. Passivisation and painting operations |

